Blue Monday Is Gone

As you may have noticed, you have might have felt a bit down yesterday. I know I certainly did - a pipe conveniently decided to burst its stupid contents all over my bathroom floor yesterday. Supposedly, there's a scientific formula for the day being so unrelentingly selfish toward the human race. This same formula is reportedly responsible for my watery disaster yesterday, as well as the final steps toward some random person's divorce, everyone losing at a ballot to see Tony Blair hung, drawn and quartered at the Iraq Chilcot inquiry and (surely the worst thing) Lady Sovereign being evicted from the Big Brother house. Here's a typical article about the formula of Blue Monday.

Anyway, this blog entry is no more than an excuse in foisting a Spotify compilation in your direction. Hopefully, by playing this again and again, you'll never think about the terribleness of the beginning of this week.

Oh, and if you haven't got Spotify? Then for goodness sake, send me a tweet (@LudditeWebDev) and I'll send you a Spotify invite. All welcome.

Blue Monday Spotify playlist.

2 responses man! No-one seems to know what Grooveshark is -- it's like Spotify except that it's entirely online with a Flash UI (you can download a Java client but you don't have to) and you can use it without logging in! And the best bit, for me, is that there are NO ADS, just the songs you want. I've heard people's Spotify players interrupting the mood with banal ads every few minutes, it's almost as bad as real radio.

Hi Marc, yup, I'll be sure to check Grooveshark out. I like the sound of the Flash UI and Java client versions. Btw, I have a premium version of Spotify, hence my lack of ads, I absolutely despise advertising.